This ia great resturant and has been in Poznan for many years and the food is all Polish.
Tuesday was Name Day in Poland. Everyone has a Name Day and it was Bozena's name day. Name Day is bigger here than birthdays. All the names are on the official Name Calendar and that determines when your day is. We took some
flowers and Piorgies over to Bozena.
Thursday morning was transfer Day. We picked up the sisters at 6:45am for their train which left at 7:30 am. They lived up 64 stairs which meant hauling suitcases down that many stairs.
Ross is buying a parking ticket about a block away from the station. These little machines are located all over town and you better make sure you have a ticket on your dashboard or you might come back and find a boot on your wheel which renders the car useless.
Notice the graffiti on the side of this train. This is graffiti all over Poland. All older buildings have graffiti and not just a small portion but completely covering sides of buildings, trains, buses.
These policemen were training their police dogs. the dogs were beautiful and notice they all had muzzles on.
Saying goodbye at the train station to Sister Sheahan. By the way her Polish was awesome considering she has only been here for 8 weeks.
Now it's time to say goodbye to Elder Rogers. He is going to be a great addition to the Lodz Branch. We will miss him.
The new missionaries come in. Here is Elder Curtis coming to us from the Mission office eager to get back in the field. Great missionaries go and great missionaries come.
We made four trips to the train station today. this finishes it up.
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