Ross was called as the new Branch President in the Warsaw II Branch. It was quite a Sunday for us. The Branch President before us was Elder Harding from Soda Springs ID and he and his wife were returning home. Ross had felt this coming before it happened as so often is the case in the Church. Because this Church is a lay Church, we all have callings(responsibilities) in the Church ranging from Branch President to a Nursery leader, all equally important in the Lord's eyes. No calling is random and we usually have it confirmed to us that this is where the Lord wants us to serve. We were called on to bear our testimonies in Sacrament meeting. I had memorized my heart-felt testimony in Polish and as I walked up to the podium and began to speak, I was filled with gratitude and sureness that we were right where we were supposed to be and Ross was supposed to be the Branch President. I was able to say my testimony in Polish forgeting that I had memorized it in Polish. We are so happy to be serving a mission here. One of the prerequisites was that we still are able to be with our Young single Adults. They are so awesome and we love them.
Ross will be a wonderful Branch President. He has a great love for the people in the Branch and is one of the truly kindest people I know. He is grateful as am I for the opportunity to serve in this capacity.
Members of the Branch Presidency from left to right: Emanuel Neto, Malgorzata (Goshia)Neto ( awesome Gospel doctrine teacher), Ross and me, Jackie and Mark Pickett( who are here for three years, he works for Marathon Oil out of Houstan, TX)
Ross spends a lot of time here in the Branch President's office.
The picture right below is a picture of the Chapel, today we had 75-80 people here. We are the largest Branch in Poland. It is considered a international branch as we have so many from other countries.
By the way this is the outside of our Churrch building. It is an apartment complex, five stories high.
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