IT WAS A GREAT SUNDAY! Jean and I spoke in Sacrament service and told of the different paths our conversions took. Jean bore a powerful testimony of how and why she joined the Church which she had been searching for after the unexpected passing of her mother. Although I had heard this story a number of times I am still moved by the many marvelous events that took place as she finally found the Church which could answer her questions; where did I come from, why am I here and where am I going after this life is over?
We felt blessed to have of our family there including our oldest son Kent and three of our grandchildren including our deceased son Colin's daughters, Shaun and Maggie. In addition, a friend of mine dating back to 1953 and six of my co-workers came, having not been in our Church before let alone sitting in a Sacrament and farewell.
Later that evening, David and Margit Gaffin open their beautiful home to all who could attend to enjoy some light food and to say their goodbyes. It was a warm and meaningful experience to enjoy for 2 hours the company of so many good friends both from our Ward and the Stake. The picture of the fruit-in-vase is a replica of a Harley Davidson fuel tank which was altogether proper and perfect for the occasion. Thanks to the Gaffins and to all who came, who provided the food and who wished us well on our upcoming journey.